The Ruling of Praying with a Colostomy Bag
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem ﷽ The Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas received the following question: I am an Imām of a mosque and I was afflicted with cancer in the intestines.
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem ﷽ The Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas received the following question: I am an Imām of a mosque and I was afflicted with cancer in the intestines.
Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Islāmic Verdicts (18v./1): Q: Due to the nature of my work in the field of disability, rehabilitation and cooperation with the team members, the
Masjid Al-Imām Muqbil
30 The Arches, Stanley Rd, South Harrow, Harrow HA2 8FE
Masjid Al-Imām Muqbil was founded in 2010 as a place of worship for the residents of South Harrow and surrounding areas.